Customized and personalized pet care services in
North London, Ontario.

Feel free to call, text, or message to discuss your pet care request, or simply to ask any questions.

Other Small Pet Sitting Form

Other Small Pet Sitting Fees

  • 30 Min Visit (1-2 Small Pets) - $21.00
  • 30 Min Visit (3-4 Small Pets) - $26.00

  • 45 Min Visit (1-2 Small Pets) - $26.00
  • 45 Min Visit (3-4 Small Pets) - $31.00

  • 60 Min Visit (1-2 Small Pets) - $31.00
  • 60 Min Visit (3-4 Small Pets) - $36.00

Overnight Visit – Your home (up to 2 Pets) $50.00
Priced for Additional Cleaning
Start at 6 pm, and leave the following morning at 7 am (13hrs). Your pets will have companionship with their sitter for a longer period, and someone will be staying in your home overnight and will show occupied.

Additional pet(s) $5.00 per pet, per overnight stay
All Services includes refreshing water, feeding, preparing food IE: greens, indoor plants, bringing in the mail, flyer, newspaper & parcels, medications, litter box maintenance, house check, sweeping/vacuuming litter box areas, cleaning up accidents, putting out the garbage & recycle boxes.

Additional Fees:
  • The first initial consultation is FREE, follow up visits if required (by client) are $10.00 per visit
  • If additional plant watering is required, for example, in-ground plants, outdoor plant pots an additional fee will apply.
  • If you choose not to enrol in the ON-CALL key program an additional fee will apply for a key to be picked up and returned after the service has been completed. The fee is $10.00 each way.
  • Last minute, same day service request will result in an additional $10.00 fee on top of the service fee

Pricing can change at any time & are applicable to 13% HST. HST # 77678 0512 RT 0001

  1. The parties agree that they shall not disclose any terms and conditions contained in this agreement to any other party and shall keep same confidential between them.
  2. I authorize Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services to perform cat sitting services as outlined above.
  3. I authorize Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services to obtain any emergency veterinary care that may be necessary during the time spent with my pet. I accept responsibility for any charges related to this emergency care. I also authorize Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services to utilize an alternative veterinarian in the event my primary veterinarian is unavailable. Every effort will be made to contact me prior to obtaining emergency care.
  4. Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services accepts no responsibility for security of the premises or loss if other individuals have access to the home during the term of this agreement.
  5. Cat Sitting Services will be performed only by Julie Silcock – Owner & Operator of Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services during all assignments. I do highly recommend to always have a back up in case there is ever a time I am unable to care for your pet(s) due to illness.
  6. I agree to reimburse Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services for any additional fees for providing emergency care, as well as any expenses incurred for unexpected visits, transportation, housing, food, or supplies.
  7. Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services agrees to provide the services stated in this agreement in a reliable, trustworthy, and caring manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives and relinquishes any and all claims against Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services, except those arising from proven deliberate negligence of the pet sitter.
  8. There may be days when Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services arrives earlier or later than the start of your scheduled appointment. This may be due to traffic, weather, emergency, etc. Should this occur, your pet(s) will always receive the full allotted time you've booked regardless of when I arrive for the appointment.
  9. Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services will not be liable for the injury, disappearance, death, or fines of any pet(s) with unsupervised access to the outdoors. To avoid this from happening during the time I will be caring for your pet(s) they will remain inside the home at all times until your return at which time they can enjoy the outdoors.
  10. Client will be responsible for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to the pet sitter or other persons by the pet(s). Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services in the event of a claim by any person injured by the pet(s).
  11. It is expressly understood that Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services shall not be held responsible for any damage to client’s property, or that of others, caused by client’s pet(s) during the period in which they are in its care.
  12. I attest to the fact that all licenses and vaccinations required by the Province of Ontario, the City in which I reside and/or the City of London are current according to the law. All copies were provided to Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services.
  13. I agree to inform Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services of any changes to my pet(s) health or diet to stay consistent with my pet(s) needs.

Emergency Preparedness
Client Profile & Home Information
EMERGENCY CONTACTS (People able to make decisions about the care of pet(s) or home in emergencies) MUST BE FILLED IN:
Contact #1

Contact #2

OTHER PERSONS WHO MIGHT BE ENTERING YOUR HOME OR ON YOUR PROPERTY (realtor, housekeeper, landlord, gardener, pest control, relative, friends, etc.)
Contact #1

Contact #2


Home Information
(this is only needed if overnights are required at your home, thank you)

Julspops Dog Walking & Pet/House Sitting Services can NOT be held responsible for any plants that may not survive; I will care for them the best I can.

This agreement will remain valid for current and any future service.